Sampler: You will be able to use a very massive bank of samples you can group together the way you like and organize them with colors and icons.

You will also be able to add an infinite amount of more specific effects by adding plugins. Effects: Of course, VirtualDJ 2021 comes with native audio and video effects, including color-FX, as well as standard effects such as echo, flanger, beatgrid, and more.It features a simple but powerful interface and provides transport controls, jog wheels, track information, waveforms, an advanced mixer, equalization & filter, effects, loops, performance pads, hot cues, seamless looping, smart sync, and more. Mixer: You can either use the standalone DJ mixer or plug your own one (it will be automatically detected).

#Virtualdj pro basic software#
VirtualDJ is one of the most popular modern audio and video mixing software solutions, owned by Atomix Productions.